Tips To Give Windows 7 Speed Boost
While Windows 7 Speed Boost its predecessor, Vista, in terms of performance, it still pales in comparison to the significantly speedier Windows 8. Most consumers haven’t seen the 15-second boot time that Microsoft developers aimed for in Windows 7.
There will undoubtedly be moments when you have to wait for the spinning blue doughnut from the previous OS. If you’re still hesitant to upgrade to Windows 8 despite the speed benefits, there are a number of things you can do to speed up your Windows 7 installation.
The issue with most “speed up Windows 7” reports is that they advise you to disable some of the operating system’s more appealing visual aspects.
The first eight of my eleven suggestions show you how to speed up your Windows 7 system while maintaining its aesthetic. For those who need even more speed but don’t mind sacrificing some aesthetic effects, I’ve included three options at the bottom that improve system performance while sacrificing some visual effects.
How to Make Windows 7 Speed Boost:
To optimise a PC running Windows 7, use these tips and tactics.
1. Reduce the length of your programmes:
Uninstalling software that you no longer use or require is an excellent way to maintain your computer in good health. You may also remove any bloatware that comes with your computer.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Programs tab. Uninstall a software and bury whatever you don’t need, such as unnecessary games. During boot-up, many apps will load processes, consuming important RAM and CPU resources.
You may also select “Turn Windows Features On or Off” and look through the list to see if it’s anything you aren’t using. You might also use a programme like PC Decrapifier.
2. Keep startup times to a minimum:
Type MSCONFIG into the Start button’s search field, then go to the Startup tab.
You’ll probably notice a flurry of programmes, most of which are for system support, then you’ll be able to spot others that aren’t required. There’s no reason to have QuickTime open all of the time, for example. Those that support your hardware or security should not be deleted, but anything that is clearly non-productive should be.
You might need to look up the programme names on a website like processlibrary.com to figure out what they are – they could be malware. Run Microsoft’s Autoruns programme if you want to be more specific.
3. Turn off search indexing:
This move can provide you a boost, but if you do a lot of searching, this won’t be appealing to you because certain searches will be slower.
To turn off indexing, visit the Data retrieval Options Control Panel window (enter “index” in the Reawakening search box to find it at the top of the start menu), click “Modify,” and un-index all locations and file types.
If you wish to keep search indexing on but find that it slows you down periodically, you may pause it when you need more speed. Choose Manage by right-clicking on Computer in the Start menu or on the desktop.
Then, under Apps and Services, double-click Services. Locate Windows Search and double-click it. You may pick a Startup type of Manual or Disabled from this settings dialogue to make the procedure silent by default.
4. Clean up your hard drive:
Regardless of whether the space on disc is contiguous for one file, your disc saves data in portions wherever there is space.
Defragging cleans things up and gathers a program’s pieces together so that reader headers shouldn’t have to jump back and forth to read a entire executable or data file.
While today’s large hard drives and enough RAM make this less of an issue, a sluggish system might still benefit from disc defragmentation. Windows 7 includes a built-in defragger that runs at predetermined intervals.
Mine was programmed to run every Wednesday at 1:00 a.m., when my computer is generally switched off, thus it was rarely defragged. When you’re in a similar situation, you may either defrag on demand or adjust the scheduled defrag.
Simply type “defrag” into the Windows Start Menu search box and choose “Disk Defragmenter” from the results.
5. Increase the power settings to the highest level possible:
Of course, if you want to save power, this isn’t the best option, but it might improve your computer performance. Go to System and Security > Power Options in the Control Panel. From here, select “High Performance” from the left-panel option “Create a power option.”
6. Organize your hard drive:
Select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and Disk Cleanup from the Start menu. This programme scans your computer for unnecessary items and rubbish, such as temporary files, offline web pages, and installation programmes, and offers to eliminate them all at once.
You could even notice that your Recycle Bin is overflowing: I had no idea I had 1.47GB on my computer! However, this will only have a visible influence on performance if your system is near to being overburdened with data.
7. Virus detection:
Although you may use the built-in Windows Defender, you should install a third-party security tool. There’s no reason not to, as there are a plethora of fantastic free solutions available – we highlight a couple in this article: The best free applications vs. the finest premium apps.
8. Use the Performance Troubleshooter:
Type “troubleshooting” into the Control Panel’s search box, and you’ll see the option “Check for performance concerns” under System and Security. Run the troubleshooter to see if it can pinpoint the source of your problem.
9. Turn off all of your computer gadgets:
Now we’ll get to the tips, which will need turning off some of the operating system’s glitter. Although Windows 7 does not have the visible sidebar that was included in prior versions of Windows 7 Speed Boost Vista, a sidebar process is still active. To turn it off, type “gadgets” into the start menu search box, pick “View list of running gadgets,” then select each one individually and click Remove to turn off any gadgets you don’t need.
10. Use a plain desktop wallpaper instead of a stunning one:
This will free up additional RAM, resulting in a minor speed gain. Choose Personalize, then Desktop Background at the bottom of the resultant dialogue window by right-clicking on the desktop. Make it a solid colour.
11. Disable Aero effects:
Select Adjust Visual Effects from the Performance Information and Tools section of the Control Panel. There’s a huge number of effects here, but selecting “Adjust for optimal performance” will turn them all off.
Although the look of the Windows environment will make you feel as if you’ve stepped back a decade, everything will operate quicker.