Nearly all healthcare experts favor breast milk for newly born children because it’s easy to digest.
And since it’s chock-full of vitamins, proteins, and fats, it helps toddlers fight infections and illnesses by equipping them with antibodies. Several studies report that newborn infants who are breastfed within the first hour are more likely to survive than those who aren’t. Even a few hours’ delay after delivery can result in life-threatening repercussions.
While breastfeeding is natural, it comes with its own challenges. Several studies suggest that only half of newborn babies are breastfed during their first hour of life.
But unfortunately, breastfeeding becomes challenging for most women, especially if they have a planned C-section or emergency delivery.
Insufficient breast milk is cited as the most common reason behind new mothers’ inability to feed their toddlers right after birth. Other barriers associated with breastfeeding are engorged breasts, sore nipples, pain, leaking milk, mastitis, and failure to latch on the infant.
Taking into consideration that a neo-mamma hasn’t breastfed a child before, we asked lactation experts how to prepare for breastfeeding in the third trimester. Want to know what they said?
Read this guide till the end, as it discusses expert tips on how to prepare for breastfeeding before the arrival of your baby.
4 Ways to Prepare For Breastfeeding in the Month Before Birth
Several studies have reported that the possibility of infections and hospitalization is less in babies who are breastfed in comparison to those who are formula-fed. Nevertheless, many children right after birth are fed formula-based milk, either due to poor milk supply or a lack of understanding of the normal physiology of lactation.
For years, cow milk-based formulas were considered safe for children. But only recently, it was brought to light that formula-fed babies are at a high risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis, a gastrointestinal disease.
In this regard, lawyers of TorHoerman Law report that since this revelation, countless parents whose babies were diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) are claiming compensation by filing lawsuits against Similac and Enfamil.
However, only parents whose children were born prematurely and developed gastrointestinal disease after being fed formula-based milk at the hospital are eligible for filing a Similac and Enfamil lawsuit.
That is why every to-be-mother nearing her due date must start preparing for breastfeeding her child from the third trimester. On that note, here’s what you should do to prepare for breastfeeding before your child arrives in the world:
1. Take Breastfeeding Classes
Quite a few birth centers and hospitals offer breastfeeding classes in which you can enroll yourself. The primary aim of these classes is to equip would-be mothers with the knowledge needed to overcome the barriers to breastfeeding.
Many women who took breastfeeding classes before welcoming a child have reported that the lessons imparted were tremendously helpful in preparing them for breastfeeding.
Hospitals and birth centers aren’t the only ones offering breastfeeding classes. Even private breastfeeding classes are available. However, make sure to enroll yourself in classes offered by either a lactation educator, a CLC, or IBCLC.
Online classes are also feasible; women with severe nausea in their third trimester can sign up for them.
2. Get Good Prenatal Care
Lactation experts suggest getting good prenatal care also helps in preparing for breastfeeding, as it reduces the likelihood of delivering premature babies. That’s because preterm infants born before 34 weeks of gestation are mostly formula-fed, as breast milk doesn’t provide them with all the nutrients they need for proper growth.
3. Ask Your Doctor About the Breastfeeding Support Available at the Hospital
Sure, prenatal care is important to minimize the chances of preterm birth and complications. But did you know that postnatal care is equally important to ensure you don’t face any trouble while breastfeeding your child?
In this regard, we suggest discussing with your healthcare expert the breastfeeding support available at the hospital where you intend to deliver your baby. A few hospitals have gone the extra mile and hired teams that support breastfeeding exclusively. Such hospitals are often called baby-friendly hospitals.
If you plan to breastfeed your baby from the get-go, delivering your child to healthcare centers that support breastfeeding will be the best bet.
4. Stock Up on Supplies
Keeping breastfeeding items handy will save you from the last-minute rush. Basic supplies that lactation experts suggest stocking on are:
- Nursing bras, pads, and pillows
- Electric or manual pump
- Bottles and nipples
- Breast milk storage solution
- Bottlebrush
- Sanitizing steam bags
Wrapping It Up
The perks of becoming a mother are many, and so are the challenges. Among all the challenges, a new mama’s biggest challenge is breastfeeding.
Initially, things may appear challenging, and you may even experience pain and discomfort. But know that the pain and discomfort are temporary, and breastfeeding will become easier once your body toughens.
In essence, preparing for breastfeeding early will prove beneficial for both you and your child. Hence, start preparing for it ahead of time by educating yourself on breastfeeding and stocking on supplies.